Emery- I'm Only A Man

Rock Hill, SC
Label: Tooth & Nail Records
Website: http://www.myspace.com/emery
Genre: Alternative Rock
Is it just me or does Emery just keep getting better by every album. Though I didn't really get insanely stuck on many of the songs, I'm Only A Man delivered some of the most extraordinarily orchestrated songs I've heard this year. This Emery release however, was a bit different from their previous releases. There is less screaming than both The Weak's End and The Question and musically not as rowdy either. However, they did introduced a new sound style; more acoustic and classic rock sounding riffs mixed into Emery's alternative style provided great depth and diversity in the album. One criticism I do have for the album though, is the vocals. Emery has two sensational vocalists, but on some of the songs need to tighten the strings considerably. They still haven't written a lyrical masterpiece yet, but besides that and some minor vocal flaws, Emery writes some of the most impressive music... Especially instrumentally.
Anberlin- Cities

Orlando, FL
Label: Tooth & Nail/ Universal Records
Website: http://www.myspace.com/anberlin
Genre: Rock
Anberlin, same as Emery, has musically matured at an incredible rate between their second and third album. I don't think there was a single song on this album that I didn't like. Such a good album top to bottom. There aren't many ways to describe Anberlin's sound, but not many sound changes were made on this album from their first two albums. The deluxe edition also features two excellent cover songs and an Anberlin original which is probably one of my favorites of the entire album. As successful as Anberlin has been, it's about time a major label signed them. This also wasn't Anberlin's only release of 2007. They just recently released a b-sides album entitled 'Lost Songs', featuring all of their b-side tracks, demos, and acoustic song versions. Anberlin's on a role folks. I'd pick this album up while it's still hot.
The Almost- Southern Weather

Tampa Bay, FL
Label: Tooth & Nail/ Virgin Records
Website: http://www.myspace.com/thealmost
Genre: Alternative Rock
Aaron Gillespie es un caballo. Between Underoath, The Almost and his hair, it's amazing that this guy has time for anything. I just loved this album. As I mentioned on the previous posts, I didn't expect much out of this album after hearing the demos last year. But to my surprise this album delivered a great alternative rock sound that Aaron really put his all into making. Not to mention, everyone and their mom bought this album. Though The Almost is supposedly just Aaron's side project, he's getting a lot of mileage out of this album and will probably continue to by releasing future albums. Solid album... Pick it up.
Paramore- Riot!

Franklin, TN
Label: Fueled By Ramen
Website: http://www.myspace.com/paramore
Genre: Pop/ Rock
Paramore's Riot! currently stands at #15 in the Billboard 200, they've sold out dozens of show in the US, Europe, and Japan, they've headlined the warped tour, they're a 'Best New Artist' Grammy nominee... Not bad considering 75% of the band are still teenagers. These guys have pretty much done everything but disappoint people. Ok, so they have a female vocalist, but these guys are anything but a cheesy pop band. Hayley is not an Avril Lavigne or a Britney Spears. Unlike those guys, she actually sings... And sings with authority. Not going to lie, she's probably one of the most impressive vocalists I've heard. Their debut album All We Know Is Falling just seemed to be such a big hit, but I'm telling you, compared to Riot!, that album is garbage. Such a young band doing so many incredible things. They've said in an interview that they would like to tour with Emery and The Chariot... I'd shave my knuckles to see that.
The Devil Wears Prada- Plagues

Dayton, OH
Label: Rise Records
Website: http://www.myspace.com/tdwp
Genre: Hardcore/ Metal
If you are a fan of hardcore or metal music, and have not yet heard of The Devil Wears Prada, then shame on you! This album was just absolutely fricken amazing. - (Is that a double negative?) I don't if there's much more to say. Every song on this record just blew my mind. They did a great job at pulling off the continuous tracks where the end of every song led right into the next. Excellent effects and editing really put the icing on top of the cake for this album. 'Plagues' is definitely a drastic improvment from their debut album, 'Dear Love: A Beautiful Discord' and brought out a much more intense feel. Be sure to check out The Devil Wears Prada's first music video for the song 'Hey John, What's Your Name Again?', their first single off of 'Plagues'. Just a stunning record to say the least. This album, full of intricate guitar riffs, face-melting break downs, and just incredible effects, really broke the ice for metal albums this year.
Just A side note, 'The Serpent' by Still Remains was a very close fifth. I thoroughly enjoyed that album, but felt that 'I'm Only A Man' was just slightly better.
5 ½.
Still Remains- The Serpent

Grand Rapids, MI
Label: Roadrunner Records
Website: http://myspace.com/stillremains
Genre: Metal/ Rock
Still Remains has been heavily criticized for their 'less-metal' sound on this album as opposed to their previous release 'Of Love And Luncay'. This is true, yet I don't see this as a bad move for them. The 'less screaming, more melodic' sound has really become a growing trend among hardcore and metal bands and really seems to fit Still Remains perfectly. It is much less heavy that their last album but replacing the chaotic guitar shreds is a much more melodic type of hardcore. There's even a really slick dance song. Good album... Just missed the top five. Check it out yo!