High Flight Society- High Flight Society (Self-Titled)

Ceadertown, GA
Label: Selectirc Records
Website: http://www.myspace.com/highflightsociety
Genre: Rock
This album impressed me to say the least. High Flight Society debuted with a very energetic fast-paced style of rock. These guys will sell albums. I guarantee it.
Before Their Eyes- Before The Eyes (Self-titled)

Findlay, OH
Label: Rise Records
Website: http://www.myspace.com/beforetheireyes
Genre: Post Hardcore/ Screamo
This one's a late addition to my iTunes library. I seriously hadn't even heard of them until yesterday, but as soon as I did I picked this guy up. Their sound is probably in the perfect genre range for me. Not all screaming and thrashing, but considerably heavier than just plain rock. And I'm a sucker for the type of riffs these guys do. Just an excellent album. Now all they have to do is work on improving their music videos. Their video for 'City In A Snow Globe' is garbage.
The Glorious Unseen- Tonight The Stars Speak

Nashville, TN
Label: Tooth & Nail/ BEC Records
Website: www.myspace.com/thegloriousunseen
Genre: Alternative
I actually picked up this cd yesterday too at the same time I picked up the Before Their Eyes album. I've been listening to their stuff for a while but haven't been able to get my hand on it until yesterday. This is probably the best non Chris Tomlin/ David Crowder etc. Christian worship band I've heard. Just a great album if you like worship stuff but are sick and tired of those other guys.
The Almost- Southern Weather

Tampa Bay, FL
Label: Tooth & Nail/ Virgin Records
Website: http://www.myspace.com/thealmost
Genre: Alternative Rock
Because of this album, I think I love Underoath that much more. I had heard some of the song demos for The Almost last year and really wasn't that impressed. But this cd just blew me away. Every song on this album is superb and some even easy to relate to when you're in my neck of the woods.
Oh, Sleeper- When I Am God

Fort Worth, TX
Label: Solid State Records
Website: http://www.myspace.com/ohsleeper
Genre: Hardcore
Just for the record, I probably enjoyed The Almost's record more than this one. I also enjoyed the Before Their Eyes album more than The Glorious Unseen's even though I ranked it higher. But in this top five, I'm focusing more on the quality of the release more than the genre or my personal preference. Which is why When I Am God is number one. This is probably one of the best hardcore albums I've heard. Oh, Sleeper really has their own unique hardcore sound which I really liked. They're not metal like As I Lay Dying, they're not screamo like Underoath and they don't sound like a Facedown band. I guess you can say they're like a new breed of Hardcore. New is always good. Another thing that really suck out is the sound quality. This album does not sound like a debut album. These guys literally sound like veterans. The quality and complexity of the songs were beyond any other debut album I've ever heard. If you like the heavy stuff, these guys are worth checking out.
Others of Honorable Mention
As I said in the beginning, it was so difficult sifting out the top five that I thought I'd mention a few that just missed my top five.
The Send- Cosmos

Albany, OR
Label: Tooth & Nail Records
Website: http://myspace.com/thesend
Genre: Alternative Rock
Hey, check it out! It's Falling Up's right arm. After amputation, now known as The Send. This one just didn't make it in. I thoroughly enjoyed this album from top to bottom and was one of the albums that surprised me the most this year.
Cry Of The Afflicted- The Unveiling

Kelowna, British Columbia
Label: Solid State Records
Website: http://www.myspace.com/cryoftheafflicted
Genre: Post Hardcore/ Screamo
This album didn't quite cut it quality wise to make it into the elite five debuts of the year for me. However, some of the songs on this album are just amazing and I was stuck on a few for a while.
A Dream Too Late- Intermission To The Moon

Albany, OR
Label: Tooth & Nail Records
Website: http://www.myspace.com/adreamtoolate
Genre: Mars?
Hey, check it out! It's Falling Up's little brother. The first time I heard stuff from these guys was probably about three years ago, and they sounded kind of like Emery. Yes, with screaming and all. They finally get signed, they finally put out an album, and now they sound like a bunch of cosmonauts. No doubt Falling Up's musical direction had an influence on their sound change. But these guys really have a great alternative rock sound with an album well above average for a debut release. It took them a while, but they're finally on Tooth & Nail and leaving their mark.
And that's my personal 5 + 3 best debut albums of the year. MySpace links are up there for a reason. Check those guys out. Ok, goodnight.
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