Dizmas- Lacking, Tension

Lancaster, CA
Label: Credential Records
Website: http://www.myspace.com/dizmas
Genre: Rock
This really wasn't a terrible album. In fact, I enjoyed many of the songs on this record. The only problem is, aside from the vocals, it sounds nothing like Dizmas at all. Gone are the days of glass-shattering screams and knuckle-cracking guitar riffs. This album lacks the very thing it was titled... Tension. After what they did on On A Search In America, my expectations for their sophomore release was very high. Overall, I wasn't really disappointed in the songs. In fact this album is probably a lot more 'musical' than their first. But I was very disappointed in their change of sound. Where's the tension folks?
Chasing Victory- Fiends

Camilla, GA
Label: Mono Vs Stereo
Website: http://www.myspace.com/chasingvictory
Genre: Post Hardcore
This one would probably surprise a lot of people. Overall it's not a bad record at all, but it did record the beginning of the end to Chasing Victory. This album, did however, disappoint me for some of the same reasons Tension did. Another sophomore release that just didn't outdo the debut. Soon after releasing Fiends, Chasing Victory announced the bands deformation stating, "They had lost their passion for writing music." Though the statement was recorded after the release of the album, I think it showed quite a bit in their music.
As Cities Burn- Come Now Sleep

Baton Rouge, LA
Label: Solid State Records
Website: http://www.myspace.com/ascitiesburn
Genre: Post Hardcore/ Atlternative Rock
Here's another shocker. But keep in mind that these as all based on my personal opinion, and I'm an idiot, so you don't have to listen to me. But I honestly hate to put As Cities Burn all the way into the top three. I was probably more disappointed in their drastic sound change more than the actual songs on the record. I understand that As Cities Burn is a favorite to many, not to mention they put on a heck of a live show. And I also respect the many changes and difficulties they've gone through, especially in reconstructing the band. But I just wasn't feeling it on this album. They've seemed to divert from the post-hardcore sound to more of a melodic sound. Though that's cool and all, I sense they still have a desire to thrash. Unfortunately that door has been closed since loosing their other vocalist. But even with the sound change, I feel like they could've done a little better on their sophomore release.
Thousand Foot Krutch- The Flame In All Of Us

Toronto, Ontario
Label: Tooth & Nail Records
Website: http://www.myspace.com/thousandfootkrutch
Genre: Rock
It's hard to imagine that there could be a bands fourth release worse than this one. But because of what awaits at #1, apparently there is. I'll try not to be too harsh with this one, since I'm saving the worst of my criticisms for the tombstone at #1, but this one is pretty much the same story as most unsuccessful albums... First couple song aren't bad, but nothing much going on after that. Quite frankly, I have little doubt that TFK is pretty much out of gas, because this flame didn't light at all. They took a nice big jump from Set It Off to Phenomenon (till this day one of my favorite rock albums), but since releasing The Art Of Breaking, I doubted if they'd ever beat that. And this album pretty much solidifies that theory. If TFK ever 'falls apart', Trevor should go into producing... He'd be good at that. Not a complete waste of money, but if you're looking to buy a good rock record, there's better options out there.
Falling Up- Craptiva...

The Death Star, OR
Label: Tooth & Nail/ BEC Records
Website: http://www.myspace.com/fallingup
Genre: Reedsport?
No, the 'r' in the title is not a typo. But technically, the whole title should be a typo because last time I checked 'Captiva' isn't even an English word. I guess they can add that word to the "Falling Up Dictionary" to join 'Arafax' and 'Calypsan'. Ok, let's get to the album. It's really hard to be nice to this once. First of all, Falling Up is signed to Tooth & Nail Records... Not Jedi Starfighter Records. In other words, we can do without the whole 'si-fi' theme. Secondly, the first three songs on the album were very catchy and actually pretty good. But I don't have many nice things to say about the rest of it. Just to keep this from being an overly critical, lopsided review, I will say that I don't think anyone is more passionate about writing music than Jesse Ribordy is. But sometimes that passion can carry you a little too far. Oh yeah, anyone heard about the movie script he's writing? Wonder what that's all about. Armageddon 2? Or maybe Alien VS Arafax? Anyway, I think we kind of have the gist of what's going on here. Crashings was by far Falling Up's best album. They seemed to have matured musically a lot by the time they got to Dawn Escapes (though it wasn't the same after they lost Tom Cox), then that whole remix thing which pretty much lead them right into this 'galactic conquest' (which by the way is the title of Eleventyseven's new album, graciously left off of this top five list.) One thing however, has not changed a bit through all of their albums... Their atrocious, flabbergastingly degenerate, downright awful song writing. To be nice, their song writing is probably an equivalent of Sanjaya Malakar's singing ability and hairstyle's combine. If Falling Up is ever gonna roll in the Benjamin's, I think it's about time they actually start playing some music. Their lyrics, now don't take this wrong Jesse, are LAME! (I just couldn't resist the School Of Rock paraphrase.) But seriously, they should sober up a bit before they start writing, because I'm literally sick of Murexa's, legacies, indoor soccer and whatever other jargon they write about. They pretty much just write stories that only they would understand. I think I understand why Joe Kisselburg and Tom Cox left the band. Now don't get me wrong, I may have a lot of gripes about what they're doing musically, but I am by no means saying not to support Falling Up. They're a great band doing great things, although not lyrically. Do support them, but please, buy a t-shirt instead.
There's my bottom five... Coming up will be the top five and what to look for in 2008.
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